Understanding and Pursuing God’s Great Renovation Project
In Ephesians 4, Paul speaks repeatedly about the change project that God has in store for his redeemed, adopted children, and he uses some pretty startling language, saying that we are to “grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ” (15) and “put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.” Clearly, God has lofty ambitions for his children!
But how does it happen? How are we to understand the change process that God uses in our lives to conform us to the image of his Son? How Change Happens (HCH) is a course developed by Rick Horne for The Urban Ministry Institute (TUMI), adapted from David Powlison’s course Dynamics of Biblical Change, the cornerstone course for CCEF’s counseling curriculum. Our Sunday School class will draw on Pastor Rick’s course, David Powlison’s course, and the book How People Change by Tim Lane and Paul Tripp. Among many other things, HCH will explore how God uses the trials of our lives to change our hearts, resulting in fruit in keeping with repentance.
Although HCH is part of a counseling curriculum, it is just as relevant to each of us as individual believers, as we try to understand our particular walk and growth in the Lord. It is my hope that HCH will not be a “traditional” course, with the instructor doing almost all the talking, but a very interactive class, involving group work and a lot of discussion.
Join us for this Sunday School class with Pastor Tom Wisneski every Sunday starting at 9:45 am in the Fellowship Hall.