As you read the Scriptures, have you noticed a wide variety of Biblical themes that are progressively revealed over time through different Biblical authors? From the Old Testament through the New Testament subjects like the need for and function of a Mediator, declaring a person just before a holy God, the nature of true saving faith and the need for and nature of personal holiness are just a few examples of important topics addressed throughout Scripture.
In this course, we will seek to better understand big picture Biblical themes and how the pieces interrelate on important Biblical teachings. Our goal in this class is worship—a deepening appreciation for the riches we have in Christ so we might glorify Him with heart, mind and soul.
Our plan is to examine Chapters 16 through 32, completing our study of the 1689:
· Good Works
· the Perseverance of the Saints
· the Assurance of Grace and Salvation
· the Law of God
· the Gospel and the Extent of Grace thereof
· Christian Liberty and Liberty of Conscience
· Religious Worship and the Sabbath Day
· Lawful Oaths and Vows
· the Civil Magistrate
· Marriage
· the Church
· the Communion of Saints
· Baptism and the Lord’s Supper
· Baptism
· the Lord’s Supper
· the State of Man after Death, and of the Resurrection of the Dead
· the Last Judgement
Join us in the fellowship hall each Sunday at 9:45 am beginning January 8th as Pastor Glenn leads us through these last chapters of our confession of faith.