At Faith, we have Sunday School classes for all ages, as well as nursery available for children under 2. Sunday School begins at 9:45 AM and ends at 10:45.
We welcome you to join us so that you and your children can grow in the knowledge of the Scriptures and enjoy fellowship with the people of the church.
There are two adult Sunday school classes going on this winter. One meets in the fellowship hall and one meets in the sanctuary. You can find out more about what we’re studying in each class below.

Pastor Tom is leading us in a study of the Holy Trinity starting April 2nd. Click the teaser for more info.

This winter, Pastor Glenn led us through chapters 16-32 of the 1689 London Baptist Confession, thus completing a series through our whole confession of faith. Click the teaser above for more info.

Also this winter, Pastor Tom and Matt B. guided us as we studied persecution and false teachers in the books of 1 Peter, 2 Peter and Jude. Click the teaser to learn more about this class and to access the YouTube playlist.

This fall, we discussed how our faith ought to affect our daily lives. Click the teaser above for more info.

This summer, we studied the life of David. Click the teaser above for more information on this course.

During Spring 2022, Pastor Tom Wisneski taught a Sunday School course on “the Forgotten God,” the least understood member of the trinity. Please click the teaser for more information about the course, The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament.

Throughout the Spring, Pastor Al Griffith and Carson Stack went through Studies in Ecclesiastes, a book that can seem cryptic, but provides us with direction to a meaningful existence. Click the teaser above for more info.

From January through March of 2022, Pastor Matt taught a Sunday School course on parenting. The class covered the Biblical Foundations, Stages, and Methods of Parenting. Click the teaser for more information.

This Sunday School class was taught by Pastor Glenn and was a continuation of a series that has been going through the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith. Please click the teaser above for further details.

This Fall, Pastor Tom taught a course called, “How Change Happens: Understanding and Pursuing God’s Great Renovation Project.” In this course, we explored how God uses the trials of our lives to change our hearts, resulting in fruit in keeping with repentance. Click the teaser above for more info.

Pastor Rick and Pastor Al also taught this fall from Psalms, Book 5 (Psalms 107-150). In this course, we learned about the steadfast love of the LORD and how it should affect our daily lives. Please click the teaser to learn more and to find a link to video recordings of the classes.

This summer, some men from our congregation led us through a course on the “I AM” sayings of Jesus. Just as God the Father told Moses, “I AM WHO I AM,” the Incarnate Son also spoke the words, “I AM.” To find out more about the course, please click the teaser above.

This past Spring 2021, our elders are co-teaching a course on the cultural and personal challenges that Christians face in our day, called “The Gospel & Contemporary Culture.” Click the teaser for more info.

During winter 2020-2021, Pastor Bob led us through a study of Paul’s Pastoral Epistles. Click on the teaser for more information.

In fall of 2020, Pastor Bob taught a course on The Attributes of God. For more information or to listen to recordings of past classes, click on the teaser.

During the summer of 2020, our elders team-taught an Apologetics course called, “Big Questions, Big Gospel.” To listen to recordings of the classes click on this teaser.