How do we find joy in the midst of a broken world? How do we make the most of life when our time is short and death is inevitable? What is to be our perspective on the disappointment and impermanence that surrounds us?
Although seemingly cryptic and often misunderstood, the book of Ecclesiastes provides us with an accurate depiction of the world in which we live as well as direction to a faithful and meaningful existence. The Preacher walks us through his autobiographical pursuit of the “good life,” exposing the limits of wealth, wisdom, and pleasure before pointing us down an alternative path that leads to contentment. Once we have a proper understanding of the consequences of the Fall and of our place in the Creation then we can learn to enjoy the good gifts of our good Creator and to spend our time wisely and to His glory.
Join us as we discuss the book of Ecclesiastes and orient our priorities learning to live lives of obedient joy.
This Sunday School class is taught by Pastor Al Griffith and Carson Stack. Beginning on Sunday, April 3, it will be meeting in the Fellowship Hall every Sunday at 9:45am.