As you read the Scriptures, have you noticed a wide variety of Biblical themes that are progressively revealed over time and through different Biblical authors? From the Old Testament through the New Testament, subjects like the need for and function of a Mediator, how a person is declared just before a holy God, the nature of true saving faith and the need for and nature of personal holiness are just a few examples of important topics addressed throughout Scripture. If you want to join a study to better understand the big picture and see how the pieces interrelate on important Biblical teachings, please consider attending our study of the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith. Our goal ultimately in this class is worship—a deepening appreciation for the riches we have in Christ so we might glorify Him with heart, mind and soul. Our plan is to examine the following themes:
· Christ the Mediator
· Free will
· Effectual calling
· Justification
· Adoption
· Sanctification
· Saving faith
· Repentance leading to life and salvation
· Good works
· Perseverance of Christians
· Assurance of grace and salvation
Join us for a lively discussion on these topics as we dig deep into the Scriptures to understand and apply its truths so our faith may grow and God receive greater glory!
This class will be taught by Pastor Glenn Force starting on January 9th, meeting every Sunday at 9:45 am in the Main Sanctuary. Each class will be livestreamed and then later added to a playlist on YouTube, which you can find here.